India,1925. The selfish wife of the British Governor has taken the young daughter of a peasant woman as her own. Two heroes, one for Indian independence the other loyal to the Raj, must team up to do what is is right and just and return the child to her mother in “RRR.”
Laura's Review: B+
Robin's Review: A
I sat down to watch the 3+ hour long “Rise Roar Revolt” with just the recommendation that I will not be disappointed. Well, I was NOT disappointed and I think that director/co-writer S.S. Rajamouli has created, with his very talented cast and crew, the best movie, to me, of 2022, and tells a story of legend, friendship, right versus wrong and the end of the British Raj in India. That you get both an intensely fun action flick and a Bollywood movie, too, says a lo